

Saturday, 31 March 2012

The Devine inspiration....persuades make his presence the world....I have created this line drawing on a black to bring out his Divine presence..and the dark phase of life.!!!
"Lord Vishnu who is wearing white dress"
"Lord Vishnu who is bearing/holding the pure spotless sky"
Shashi Varnam Chaturbhujam

"One who has Moon-colour and four hands"
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth
"Mediate on the pleasant face" or
"Meditative, tranquil face"

Sarva Vignoba Shantaye 
Remove all obstacles and calm down"

So the full meaning of the sloka is

"Oh Lord Vishnu,
One who is holding the pure sky
One who has moon colour and four arms
One who has a pleasant face
I meditate on you,

Please remove all my obstacles and calm me down...... ....... ...... ...... ........ ....

Spinning Emotions....

She spins....surrounded and satin..swirling round her soul...!!....Sometimes black, red, purple.!!!!      But forever...she dances on....keeping beat to her heart.!!!!    ...  Turning  with the cycles of the 'Earth'.   ... Swirling in'ecco confusion'   l'....stomping her her throbbing anger...Spinning merrily with joy at times....swinging sometime....with at most care!!! ______But always at peace....with herself....her surroundings....and all living beings...!!!. ............... ......... ..Inspired with the thought....of Personifying...the 'Earth' ...I made this spinning dancer.....'Earth' .... (the only planet with life...) as...a lady who expresses her emotions...through her spinning dance....!!!..... I have used Green...for her dress to show the earth in its colour....and I used strokes of  different shades around her show the spinning motion..  The colours depict the different emotions.!!!! 

Friday, 30 March 2012

Touching 'Infinity'.....

I created this Moonlit Sky an expression of 'Aspirations'.   The tree depicts.... our existence....our  capacities.... and our aspiration achieve our goals.....!!!  I used the moon to express the 'goals' We had set for ourselves.....    The fluorescent sky depict the vividly in the environment.   I chose the angle...where the tree appear es as if it is stretching touch the moon.......   Enjoy this moment......this feeling.!!!!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Celestial Bird with ......Thousand Eyes....

The peacock is a possessor of the most admired human characteristics.....and a symbol of ..integrity...and beauty...which we can achieve when we endeavour to show our true colours...... ......  @.....@ ...... ..........Stunning in its beauty...... the peacock is considered as the manifestation of the celestial phoenix on earth......Its mesmerising colours....and the 'thousand eyes' look on its tail considered to promote fame and luck..... ...... ...... ......Such a stunningly beautiful Bird ...also symbolises beauty.....feelings of love  and attraction.!!! ..........I made this huge mural on plywood...using plaster of Paris....for texture..... my friend.... for whom i made it....had a contemporary setting in her I i used contemporary colours for the peacock....kind of....gave an...urban twist of the originally  colourful bird .!!!!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Inspired by this prayer  and...the 'essence of Bhakti Yoga' .....I have expressed my faith and belief in the De combining the Three deities...(Shiva, Krishna, & Ganesha)... in a single form....'The one beyond trinity'.!!!!  .......  ........ ..I have used a constant... Blue hue...(the colour of the universe)  in this bring out 'His' universal existance...!!     ...... ...... ....

Saturday, 24 March 2012

'HIS' earthly existance.....

Every form ....has an expression....a message to be conveyed to the  world....for they all are evidence....of 'HIS' (the Almighty's) earthly existence.!!! I have used crimson red blossoms on the , energy, and the 'existance'   ...... the black bark of the tree shows 'solidity'.....and strength.   I have twisted one of the show the movement....and to bring about some the form...somehow....wanted to break the monotony.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Silk Showers....

Taking you Down the memory the garden against the hill....the flowering trees showered the vibrant soft blossoms....along the path.!!!...   

Friday, 16 March 2012

Where magic resides....!!

 When the visionary poet William Blake ....was eight....he told his mother...that  angels were roosting........ in the nearby tree.............. when I read this..................I had a vision............. ...............................................This  is it....!.!.....................................................  ................................................................................................  ............................Acrylics on can was more my...poetry inspired expressions!!!!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Movements of joy......

This expression of 'JOY' ....was created..using the  silhouette of the dancer...on the most vibrant and my favourite colour.... I chose the Spanish dancer for this I just love the flows...and dances along with the dancer...and creates ripples of happiness.  the red ...for the background  depicts the joy....spread around....and everywhere through her magical Movements.!!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Inspirations can come from any direction...any object...any or non -living. To is this colour 'RED'.  Vermilion, Crimson, Scarlet....any shade of me instant energy, warmth, strength, power, and the sense of security.............. ...............Red... the colour of the Auspicious,...Purity,...Fertility,...Love,...Beauty,...Wealth,...Opulence,.....Passion,...Energy.....and POWER, assures me...with the presence of the Lord with it...whenever I use it. My energy levels go on a high...with this colour's use.... They say....the higher the energy levels...the more efficient your body... The more efficient your body...the better you will feel,....and...the more you will use your produce outstanding results...!!!.............................
I originally started off with some white curvy lines..on this vermilion background..thinking that it would turn out to be an abstract expression for power... but as i proceeded...the lord of wisdom...'ganesha'  took charge of my paintbrush...and the one who loves the colour red...'he him-self' acquired the form on the canvas....and empowered me...with his blessings and strength..!!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

enchanted memories....glimps of heaven...!!!

Want to have a glimps of my Heaven???? You must visit..Tadoba Tigre reserve!!! Ya....On a Full Moon Summer....and wait upto dawn!!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Just One....

I often wish to compose something first...and then start the sketching and painting, mostly...when the background is made....some unpredictable form decides to occupy the centre-stage on the canvas.
 I ...kind this unpredictable nature of theses they happen to be quite unique...and the final outcome is quite satisfying to its creator.!!!................
..............Daffodil is one such unique 'form'. I had never seen the flower, like in the poem 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth that was taught to us in school ....But its the sheer magic of the poets mysticism with nature...that accelerated my imagination about this cheerful bright flower.
...........................When I thought for an expression... for motivation....only Daffodil came to my mind,....and I think....with it's brilliant bright yellow hue and beautiful structure and perfectly fits this place on the canvas, like it fits in my mind  for (motivation) the 'blue' phase of life!!!! a butterfly....

I  love to  make these arcs as a backdrop for any form....the colours give so much pleasure ...when they mix and merge with each other into an doors to my infinite ripples of tunnel made of sunshine.....and many many more possibilities...and adventures....................
.........................................the form which I have used, on this joyful background...most often... has to do something with hope, joy, activity, adventure, colours, magic....hence the butterfly...symbolising all of them.

My Brilliant Image....

They can have everything/anything you want...if you want it desperately enough. You must want it with an inner exuberance that erupts through the skin & join the energy ......that created the world.!!!!____________________________________________________________Just like the tinny y white blossoms....used the energy to attain their bloom. However small they may appear to the world....but their achievement lies in blooming....and joining the energy...that created the world....._______________________________________________________/____I have used black for the background to show more focus on the energy....and black gives the desired contrast...for both....the Sun...and the white blossoms....!!

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Come with me to beautiful place...where life moves at a rhythmic pace,
 Look at the clear lake in the distance.  Feel the wind flowing gently with insistence. 
Now go ahead....walk slowly to the lake....
Forget everything at stake!..
You see a dock waiting for you....gently swaying in the water so blue! ...
...walk on over with your bare feet....slowly bend down ...and take a seat..!!!!
let your toes free and enjoy the air...Dip them in the water for a joyful affair.  
Take a deep breath and enjoy the feeling.  Look nature starts appearing.
The Asoka trees....sway with the a gentle motion.  The reflections rippling....with great devotion...
 The glare of the sun bounces off the waters...with a gentle shimmer...Flickering, shining, then slowly going dimmer. 
The air smells of fresh weeds and fish....A lung full of it....makes all stress perish.
 Breathe it feel the freedom of your soul. Bring it all together....and make yourself whole!!! 
Watch the water....slowly turn red.  Let peace through your body....spread.!!!